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urgent 覚え 方に関する情報に関連する画像

How to Play Urgent - Foreigner (cover) - Easy 4 Chord Tune
How to Play Urgent – Foreigner (cover) – Easy 4 Chord Tune

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一部のキーワードはurgent 覚え 方に関連しています

#Play #Urgent #Foreigner #cover #Easy #Chord #Tune。

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SEE ALSO  【禁断】英検2級、準2級ライティングの種【英文生成術】 | 英 検 2 級 ライティング 環境 問題に関する一般的な情報が最も正確です

How to Play Urgent – Foreigner (cover) – Easy 4 Chord Tune。

urgent 覚え 方。

urgent 覚え 方の知識を持って、Computer Science Metricsが提供することを願っています。それがあなたにとって有用であることを期待して、より多くの情報と新しい知識を持っていることを願っています。。 csmetrics.orgのurgent 覚え 方についての知識を読んでくれて心から感謝します。

26 thoughts on “How to Play Urgent – Foreigner (cover) – Easy 4 Chord Tune | urgent 覚え 方に関するすべての情報

  1. Volodymyr Kyrpa says:

    Thanks to Author for this nice lesson, very nice and my favourite song by Foreigner. There was acoustic version when Lou Gramm and Mick Jones gave interview on TV. Video is available on YouTube. Fantastic time and performance. But thanks to Author we can play it by ourselves for positive mood and just to enjoy. Thanks!

  2. Gerhard Rappold says:

    I have a question on the strumming for the chorus part (Em – D – Am -C) I did not get that. Especially in the 2nd measure, where the shift is on 2+ and not on 3. Would you be so kind to explain? Thx!

  3. milkes82 says:

    Thank you for this song, one of my favourites from my childhood. I will definitely take an opportunity and play it when, as you said, nobody would expect 🙂

  4. Erwan says:

    Hello Marty ! THX so much for this great job ! As a biginner, it's hard for me to catch the right strumming !  Could you help pleasssssse !!!!! thank youuuuu

  5. Tania Gracia Sarabia says:

    Hello! im from spain and now i've been discover your youtube channel, it's fantastic, i like so much one song but for more that i search i don't found this chords song. is foreigner song, and the name for this song is running the risk. you can learn this song on your channel? i'll so happy . thanks very much for your acoustic chords songs.

  6. Lars Kampe says:

    Such great lessons, Marty!! So great for beginner and intermediate players who love these songs, and want start performing them right away. Your instruction makes that possible. Thanks so much.


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