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SEE ALSO  塩酸と水酸化ナトリウムは混ぜれば飲めるはず! | 最も関連性の高い情報をカバー塩酸 と 水 酸化 ナトリウム を 混ぜる と

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このレッスンでは、自分の故郷を英語で説明する方法を学びます。 出身地を説明することは、英会話に役立ち、IELTS スピーキング試験や FCE スピーキング試験などの試験にも役立ちます。 OOEの認定英語教師によるIELTS:どこに住んでいますか? 小さな町、大都市、または遠隔地の村に住んでいますか? それはどんな感じ? 内容: 1. 出身地の紹介 0:35 2. 背景と詳細の追加 2:11 3. あなたのことを言うあなたの故郷について好きなこと 5:27 4. あなたの故郷についてあなたが嫌い​​なことを言う 8:55 5. あなたの故郷が時間の経過とともにどのように変化したかを説明する 11:53 6. 復習 14:55 あなたが学ぶことができます: – あなたが住んでいる場所を紹介する方法。 – 自分の出身地を詳しく説明する方法。 故郷の好き嫌いを言います。 – あなたの故郷を英語で説明するための、より長く、詳細で、興味深い答えを作成する方法! 購読して、英語力を向上させ続けましょう! OOE メンバーになると、公開前に最新のレッスンを確認できます。無料の Oxford Online English レッスンはこちらからご覧いただけます: www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/free-english-lessons

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Talking About Your Hometown - Spoken English Lesson
Talking About Your Hometown – Spoken English Lesson

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Talking About Your Hometown – Spoken English Lesson。

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45 thoughts on “Talking About Your Hometown – Spoken English Lesson | 遷移 英語に関するすべてのコンテンツが最も完全です

  1. Isma Amjad says:

    I live in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. It is a planned city that was built in 1960s. It is home to several landmarks such as Faisal Mosque, Pakistan Monument and Democracy Square. It is famous not just because it is the capital city, but because of its vibe, diversity and extravagancy ranked it as one of the top 4 attractive capitals around the world. There are countless places to hang out and explore. The lush green view of Damn-e- Koh makes the city view more jubilant. One thing that is irritating about it is that cost of living is really high compared to other cities. it has changed a lot over the twenty years, it is much more expensive than it used to be and also its public transportation has improved a lot.

  2. Ball Sweet Balll says:

    I live in a moderately big city called Dire Dawa, which is located in the eastern part of Ethiopia. The city is referred by some as "Queen of the dessert". One may assume its hottest climate by this reference. We even experience heat stroke due high temperature on the month of May, which is what I mostly dislike about Dire Dawa. Surrounded by luminous hills from all sides the city got bowl shape when seen from above. I love the sense of community, belonging, and metropolitan nature of Dire Dawa. Our folks here are indeed caring. I have witnessed this since I started to live here – Nov 2014. Frankly speaking the city hasn't changed at all. It is as it was.

  3. saira hameed says:

    I'm from Pakistan Cruntly I am located in fasailabad. fasailabad is one of the district of Pakistan. It's a big city and very famous about cloth all types clothes in fasailabad like waster eastern and fancy in very reasonable price. people can buy easily.I really like fasailabad. bcoz Its is good city with lots of energy if you need a break it's very easy drive to the mountains. . in fasailabad many people are moving here to work and study many industriaes and universities available in fasailabad.

  4. newin says:

    My hometown is Cần Thơ. I have been living here since I was born. Actually, Cần Thơ is a huge and bustling city in Mekong Delta area. Cần Thơ famous for its unique landscapes and traditional beauty such as Cái Răng floating market and Ninh Kiều wharf. The people here is very kind and generous, they always ready to help you whenever you have any problems. Living in Cần Thơ suits me. It’s got such a rich culture and there’s always something interesting going on. Cần Thơ is almost unrecognisable compared to 20 or 30 years ago. The city has expanded so much, both physically and economically. And when I have saw some old photos of the city, it amzed me that many things are so different now. However, the soul of the city is still there. Cần Thơ will always be Cần Thơ.

  5. Rukayat Opeyemi says:

    I live in Abeokuta. It is a capital city in Ogun State. It is located in the north local government area. It has a population of approximately 300,000 people. I have been living there since 4years ago. It is a pretty bustling city. My hometown always welcome people from all around the world. It has a great culture and tradition.

  6. BASHIR_15 says:

    I live in Dhaka, it’s capital city in Bangladesh. Dhaka is a huge bustling city.I quite like living in Dhaka.it’s got such a rich culture and there’s always something interesting going on.Dhaka's a exciting place. But it’s really crowded and it can be exhausting to live there.Air quality can be an issue, particularly in tbe summer. Also traffic can be a big problem. Dhaka is almost unrecognisable compared to twenty or thirty years ago.The city has expanded so much, both physical and economically. It’s amazing when you see old photos of the city;things are so different now!

  7. Plutonio 77 says:

    I live in a small town in Peru. It's called St. Lucia. I've been living here almost all my life. Even though it's a well-known touristic place, it's pretty quiet compared to others. I like living here but sometimes the weather can be quite annoying because it's a hot place and it gets even hotter in summer. It has changed a lot in the last 20 years. Nowadays we have a supermarket and many banks, which has created more work opportunities for our citizens.

  8. mr vis says:

    I live in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. I have been living here for about three years ever since I came back from Auckland, New Zealand. It is a city famous for its food, such as Bun Cha, noodles, etc; it is also famous for its places and landmarks such as Lotte tower, West Lake,… Traffic in Hanoi is terrible, I always have to wait a long time for the bus to come to school. Because of large amount of vehicles, the air is always polluted, making the environment worse. The city has an interesting history, from being four small provinces to two, then recently those two provinces reunited together.
    Rivers here used to be able to take a bath in, but now it is so dirty because of all the rubbish and factory waste that humans throw into it. Despite all of that, every year millions of tourists from nearby and faraway countries come here to study and visit certain destinations. The city has changed a lot over the past 20 years, mostly because technology here has been improving rapidly and if you look back into the past, you might not even be able to recognize it. In my opinion, Hanoi is an amazing place to live and I hope not to move away anytime soon.

  9. fofo hissen says:

    انا من حضرموت، عاصمة اليمن، اليمن جميلة ولكن فيها غلاء المعيشه وحرب وانطفاء لتيار الكهرباىي

  10. @bby says:

    I live in New Delhi, it's the capital city. It's famous for its landmarks such as Qutab Minar, Lotus Temple, and India Gate. It's also known for its excellent cuisine, which includes delicacies from every corner of India. I really like living here, it's got such a rich culture. It's a real 24-hour city. It's a great place, but the cost of living is really high, and humid can be an issue, particularly in the summer, and can be exhausting to live in. New Delhi has changed a lot in the last twenty years. However, the soul of the capital city is still there.

  11. Carlos Leopold says:

    Me gusta mucho está lección en particular, gracias saludos desde Montevideo Uruguay 🙋🇺🇾
    I like very much this lección, thanks bay bay from Montevideo city 🙋🇺🇾

  12. Guloo says:

    Thank you ma'am Gina ,
    By watching your video's I get hope to go through Exam in easiest way.
    I have pass my English Test ,
    your videos are really helpful
    keep it up .
    God Almighty Bless you and your team

  13. Mohamed Yasir says:

    I live in Muthupet since my birth. Dargah is famous place in my home town. Also our hometown's foods were awesome . Sometimes i dont like my home town. Because there is always some unwanted fight occured.

  14. zari aziminia says:

    I live in a small city in the south of Iran, it's so tiny but well-known for a good vegetable like tomatoe!
    in the middle of my hometown is a big statue, of two farmers carrying huge baskets of tomatoes, it's very cute and a symbol of my city.
    it's a very sleepy place and there isn't much nightlife, especially at night it changes to the goest city:)
    people go home, it's boring for me!
    I was born there and live till now.
    when I was 12 years old, for the first time I went to a dormitory in another city for education
    because my city didn't have a school for girls!
    and for college, I went too,
    and every time I came back to my city because I have a traditional family!
    and in there I think a bit cut off from the wider world and it always makes me upset!
    my city like other cities has changed this period and now we have schools and parks for kids
    but the traditional soul is there and the south will always be south!

  15. Jaswinder Kaur says:

    I am hail from baddon which is known for famous food as well as there are number of facilities available in my hometown such AS TRANSPORTATION , SHOPPING MALLS, HOSPITALS. I have been living there about 18 years . I MOSTLY DISLIKE the thing about my hometown is traffic congestion. It starts at morning 9;00 am to 5:30pm it's rush hour . People faces a lot of problems related with.

  16. Thảo Phạm says:

    I live in Hanoi, which is the capital of Vietnam. Hanoi is a vibrant city and a great place to live. It’s clear to see that many people in other parts of Vietnam moved to live here. However, there are some things make me stress. The worst issue is traffic. Hanoi is very crowded with a high population density so I have to deal with traffic congestion everyday in peak hours. It’ll come to terrible when storms come with heavy rains, roads are flooded because of the ineffective drainage in some parts of the city. In addition, the busy lifestyle here also put me under pressure when everybody around me run fast between their home and workplace day to day to meet ends needs while I’m a couch potato. When it comes to the benefits, living in a big city gives me a chance to access to higher services such as in terms of education or hospital as well as more job oppotunities which I may feel hard to get if I live in a small village. Moreover, the mix of ancient vibe with fascinating nightlife in Hanoi is thing I love, I think it’s an unique point that I can’t find anywhere.

  17. Reena Swoloos says:

    I live in Trivandrum, Trivandrum is capital of kerala. Iam really proud of my place. Bcz assembly building is located in there. There'r lot of tourist place and historical place. Moreover there've popular restaurant. I really enjoy hang out with my family

  18. Tường Vi Phan says:

    I live in DaNang, a city in central Vietnam. Da Nang is the economic, cultural, and political center of central Vietnam, but it is considerably smaller than Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi. Da Nang was known for its beautiful long beaches, wonderful sightseeing, bridges, and friendly locals. There are numerous interesting places to visit, including BaNa Hill, Linh Ung Pagoda, and the Dragon Bridge. Da Nang is a wonderful place to live because the people are extremely friendly and welcoming. However, it can get a little boring in the winter. It's cold and rainy in this season, so there's not much nightlife, and it feels isolated from the rest of the world. DaNang has changed a lot in the past few years. It's much more Hotel, Resort, Mall…than it used to be. Da Nang is a great place to live

  19. *** Nadia Balaghi says:

    Hello Jena
    I live in a small town; it's called Newbury. I have been living here for about three years since I get married
    It’s a pretty sleepy place, to be honest; living in Newbury suits me. It's a quiet place, and it's small enough that you can get to know your neighbour and have a sense of community
    Newbury is nice, but sometimes I find it a bit boring; there is not much nightlife, and sometimes it feels a bit cut off from the world. The cost of living is an elevated height; you are always thinking about how to make ends meet
    It can be tiring out to live there
    Newbury hasn’t change a lot in the last 20 years

  20. Gibe Media says:

    I live in the country located in the horn of Africa called Ethiopia, and I live in the city found in the south western Ethiopia called Jimma with my family.

  21. Chris says:

    I live in a rapidly expanding city called Zhuhai. It's south of the Great Bay Area, next to Macau. It's well-known for its good environment and seafood because the city produces an amount of it. I have lived here all my life, and I suppose Zhuhai's a great place to live. It has rich pop culture, and there is a music festival for young people every year. Zhuhai is almost unrecognizable compared to twenty years ago, and the city expanded so much. Unfortunately, the cost of living has also gone up quite a lot.

  22. Haru 6 says:

    I live in a town
    I live in Indonesia. it's a huge country by island
    I live in a big city. it's called Bogor.
    my hometown is famous because of food fermentation product which called taco
    my hometown is a small city. it's called cianjur
    I've been lived 16 years ago
    I live in cianjur, the small city, it's famous for its food fermentation such as the taco.
    I live in a small town called cianjur. I've been living there for sixteen years, since i junior high school. it's really small place, to be honest.
    I love living in Jakarta. it's got such a rich public transportations and there's always something interesting going on. Jakarta's a great place to work. it's a real 24-hour City and you can't feel worry if you craving, because you can meet street food from around the street
    I living in cianjur suits me. it's a small place and it's cheaper to spent living cost for a month.
    I love living in Thailand
    swedia's a great place to live
    living in Singapore suits me
    I quite like living in Aceh
    I really like living in Padang
    I suppose I don't mind living in Zimbabwe
    Jakarta is great, but the cost of living is really high. That can be quite stressful because you're always thinking about money how to make ends meet.
    Jakarta's an exciting place, but it's really crowded and it can be exhausting to live there. air quality can be an issue particularly in the summer.
    Bandung's nice but sometimes I find it a bit boring, there's not much nightlife.
    Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. it's crowded of people around the world because the district on there. traffic can be an issue, it can be very stressful to live there or around there. there's not much for young people to buy a house, because the cost of living is really high.
    cianjur has changed a lot in the last five years. it's much more city park. however, the city park is not clean from trash.
    Jakarta is almost unrecognizable compared to twenty years ago. the city has expanded so much in public transportation. it's amazing when you see old photos of the city, things are so different now.
    cianjur hasn't changed much as a place in the last ten years.
    cianjur ha schnaged a lit in the las 20 years
    cianjur is almost unrecognizable compared to 20 years ago
    it hasn't changed much in the last 20 years
    it's much more crowded than it used to be
    the city has changed so much
    the cianjur's square is a bit different nowadays.
    I live in Jakarta. it's the capital city of Indonesia and it's a great place to work. I've lived here alone and I can't imagine living there. it has such a rich street food, I think partly because the city's has a mix of people in Indonesia which has many island. traffic can be an issue in the city, but public transport is very goof. the city changed much in a few years, although there are certainly more and more tourist these days to visit many museum of Netherlands In Indonesia.
    I'm from cianjur, the small city in West Java. it's near the Puncak pass so the surrounding area is quite beautiful. I've been living here for about sixteen years. I really like cianjur because it's a small city with cheap living cost, but if you follow many trends food or watching movie in cinema, you have to go to the other city. the only read disadvantage is that cinema can't be build at there. cianjur's changed quite a little bit in the last five years-many people are moving out to work. unfortunately, the salary in cianjur is cheaper than the other country


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