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トピックに関連するいくつかの内容here is the thing

スポイラー警告!!! 37:42 にスキップ 00:00 教会からのお知らせ 03:45 ブラックパンサーに制裁が必要 37:50 マーベル映画のトップ 5プレミアムのエピソード。 コンテンツ。 パトレオンに参加して、クリエイターと見たいコンテンツをサポートしてください。

SEE ALSO  葉月の2022年立教大学文学部独自入試と全学部入試の結果【出願方法のミスが発覚】 | 英 検 持っ て ない 大学 受験に関する最も正確な知識の概要

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Black Panther Needs Sanctions | #heresthething
Black Panther Needs Sanctions | #heresthething



here is the thingに関連するいくつかの提案

#Black #Panther #Sanctions #heresthething。


SEE ALSO  ネイティブの私が感じる「日本人のNG行動」3選〔#137〕 | 最も詳細なアメリカ マナーの知識をカバーする

Black Panther Needs Sanctions | #heresthething。

here is the thing。

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36 thoughts on “Black Panther Needs Sanctions | #heresthething | 最も詳細な知識をカバーしましたhere is the thing

  1. Kyleen Carter says:

    My mama taught school for 40 years… her starting salary in 1970 couldn’t feed a couple of gerbils… so she cleaned up to use her phrasing white folks’ houses as a side job. I don’t knock teachers or anybody else for this but that’s not teacherly… she knew better

  2. Natalie Hurd says:

    Angel didn't need the movie to be a memorial to Chadwick… But had to know that'd be what the movie focused in on. I'd say a lot of the movie goers did need that though. The movies focused on grief and resilience. Perfection.

  3. Jalisa Marie says:

    People completely missed that manor was so sweet on shuri 😂😂 like right before he killed her mom they seemed like they had this cute romantic awe of one another.

  4. THE 1 CAR-EL says:

    I also think with this phase you have to take into account the TV series. Since phase 1 was only movies. The tv shows now hold weight in the mcu phases now.

  5. SMarti says:

    I think people need to accept this is a comic book movie. However, how did he find them on that bridge? What kings hearing do they have? Wakanda needs waterway security.

  6. TheLuvShaq says:

    From Angel’s viewpoint, it wouldn’t have worked. In order to gain the powers of the Black Panther, she had to be kidnapped, otherwise she wouldn’t have found another source of vibranium. I get what’s she saying tho cuz I would’ve loved to see Shuri being straight up aggressive but they tried to stay near the comic as possible as they could.

  7. Pink circle says:

    Angel better act only on 10/10 films because the way she is critiquing Wakanda Forever, I expect to only see her in the best movies and the best shows.

  8. William Tatum III says:

    So what I get from the Wakanda Forever review is Kev actually watched and paid attention to the movie while Angel…didn't 🤣 All of her "I don't understand" was 100% explained and justified.

  9. Parker says:

    I thought Shuri being left on her own was very realistic. They lived a life of safety and peace and when war is introduced people die. Innocent people die. Kids die. I also think her anger at the end was realistic too.

    Also, the end credit scenes cleared up why he softened to her.

  10. TweetsyCk says:

    I concur with Angel. The ending left me a pile irritated like… that’s how y’all gonna and it!!?! 6/7 out of 10 for me. I needed more from the serving half. They could’ve done without some stuff to have better scenes. It flattened out outwards the end. Latitia is a great emotional access- she did that! Everyone was great acting was- it’s the story/movie itself that was off for me.
    But I watched it twice 😂😂😂

  11. AJ M says:

    I agree with Angel that they should have immediately been on high alert when Shuri got back. She knew a war was brewing, they should've been more prepared

  12. amber says:

    I’ll say this . Every time a movie has an element of being too close to real life. It gets down voted . Like falcon and the winter soldier was brilliant and still got complaints because people didn’t want to see racism in their superhero films. I think with this one no one wanted to have a film with such a strong elements of grief that hit that much .
    I’ll give the movie an 8.5/10 . Why because I think it was amazing however I didn’t think they did a good job of explaining Namor villain ark . Because he just seems so unreasonable. Like he’s mad because people had slaves but then he proceeded to kill everyone in the town included the slaves because he was upset . A bit wild 😂. Also who taught them fish people to fight that damn good ? What were they training for ? Was the plan always to take over the earth and they’ve been waiting for someone to call them p/();y like 😂 why is he so angry . Like his mama died and their was slaves but burning the world seemed a bit much . Secondly I’m tried of them acting as if nobility is a weakness . They need to start taking these people out and stop all this nonsense. Homie already plotting . But other that perfect movie

  13. Karla Kelly says:

    This is the most beautifully cinematic movie of all Marvel movies.
    Y’all are missing the merits of good story arc, strong character building beautifully shot. C’mon y’all.


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