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Paris featuring Bob Welch – Black Book (live version)

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Paris featuring Bob Welch – Black Book (live version)。

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19 thoughts on “Paris featuring Bob Welch – Black Book (live version) | 関連ドキュメントの概要ロバート ウェルチ新しいアップデート

  1. SmellaTV 3.0 says:

    Wish some one would issue Paris' live work officially cause boots exists out there. Sadly probably won't happen as Bob has passed. He was a great songwriter, guitar player, and when compared to most rock musicians the man had an approach that was totally out there. RIP!

  2. Ted Stone says:

    My parents were cleaning out the attic and found this album among many – I was just a kid when this came out. I recently put it on the player and was blown away. Welch could really create some cool sh't, with Fleetwood Mac and afterwards. Such an overlooked and underrated lyricist/guitarist. I hope he knew that some people really dug his music. RIP, Bob.

  3. Master Quantator says:

    Their 1st album is one of my favorite albums from the 70s … by anyone. This is really emotional listening to this. It's fantastic. Thanks for posting. Now I have to see if I can find the rest of it! 🙂

  4. Jim Harrison says:

    Dynamic album – and I remember when it was being promoted on the radio. Welch was sort of set up as a Robert-Plant-type (If you listen to cuts such as "The Narrow Gate" or "Religion" you can easily hear his plaintive wails.) and this song in particular sounds like a poor man's version of "Black Dog," complete with Welch lamenting about a woman as the music stops. RIP, Mr. Welch: You were the one blues purist in Fleetwood Mac (whether that is a good thing or not) and one of the more colorful acts at Cal Jam II, where I saw you from the fourth row!

  5. K V says:

    Doggone!!! Where was this band hiding???!?!? So much dreck floating around the airwaves and this classic band remains hidden >:(


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