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トピックに関連するいくつかの内容ship スラング

巨大な空母は 6,000 人以上の船員を収容できます。 これは、中規模都市の人口に相当します。 空母でも自然の呼び声に応える必要があるため、この水上都市には約 432 のトイレがあります。 これだけ多くのトイレが設置されているので、米海軍の水兵が空母に乗ってトイレを流すとどうなるか疑問に思ったことはありませんか? to nature は、俗語「head call」を使用して言及されます。 これは、空母に搭載されているトイレを「頭」と呼んでいるためです。 奇妙に聞こえますよね? 、船の船長だけが、船の「船尾」(後部)の自分の部屋の近くに専用トイレを持っていました. 、やや喫水線に近い。 船首にバスルームを設置すれば、海からの水で老廃物を洗い流すことができます。 さらに、帆船は風の方向に動くことができません。 不快な臭いが長時間残らないように、風下に設置してください。 今日、最新の船舶には保持タンクと手動および電動ポンプが装備されており、事実上、船のどこにでもヘッドを取り付けることができます。 中身を海に流します。 トイレの排泄物は簡単に海に流せますが、アメリカの空母は二度とそうしません。 代わりに、トイレからの廃棄物は、海に放出される前に全身的なプロセスを経ます #aircraftcarrier #sailors #usnavy

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ship スラングの内容に関連するいくつかの写真

What Happens After US Navy Sailors Flush The Toilet On An Aircraft Carrier
What Happens After US Navy Sailors Flush The Toilet On An Aircraft Carrier

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What Happens After US Navy Sailors Flush The Toilet On An Aircraft Carrier。

ship スラング。

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34 thoughts on “What Happens After US Navy Sailors Flush The Toilet On An Aircraft Carrier | ship スラングに関連するすべてのコンテンツは最高です

  1. Navy Sailor says:

    Back in the old days it went to the sea after 5 miles out. In the 80's we got the CHT system where waste is taken to holding tanks. The solid waste is shredded and held for pumping when the ship returns to port.

  2. Mark Matthews says:

    Well, originally, poo went straight into the sea as fish food. Then CRT tanks came about. However, they had to be cleaned, so many sailors got to climb inside and scrape the paper condoms & poo off the bulkheads. I was lucky never did it. but man, they stunk for days,

  3. Seemore Butts says:

    I am a plumbing contractor in Hawaii originating from the Bay area and went through 5 year apprenticeship and trained and certified in night classes for High Purity piping in Silicon Valley. These systems are antiquated. But you realize that they have to have very well trained plumbers, electricians, and mechanics on all of our equipment at all times. They can design a toilet without a wax seal so they could be unclogged by pressure by have a modernized check valve on each toilet. I was called to unclog the toilet lines on our Coast Guard Cutter here in Hilo in the 90's. They used a vacuum system instead of gravity flow so the stainless steel lines were 2" suction and could run overhead to the processing station. I was still able to unclog it with an electric cable machine.

  4. g suitter says:

    The submarine I was on in the 1970's would just blow the holding tanks to sea. The sailors who failed to notice the Blowing Tanks Do Not Use signs had it blown back in their face. I saw shit and TP on the head ceilings more than once.

  5. MsKinnara says:

    Spent some time on the Aircraft Carrier USS Constellation CVA 64 90% of the time the commodes got clogged were from Some A-Hole Officer flushing things down the commode that shouldn't be. I had the pleasure of returning 3 pairs of mens underwear, 6 t-shirts and a few other things I wont mention of one officer to his stateroom by the orders of the XO they were placed(Dumped out of bag) on his bunk for him to retrieve. Think he forgot all clothing is marked with members name when he flushed them. The XO was pissed having to be wakened each morning by the HT's using the fire-main to blow clear the clog each day till it wouldn't clear one day and the items were pulled out by a Auger type drain snake.

  6. Andre Newcomb says:

    With the damming of rivers and various man-made solvents and asphalt bleeding tars and oils kind of sterilizing waterways, I've wondered that oceans get enough organic matter to sustain ocean life.

  7. George Bean says:

    Dump most of the video's very repetitive first four minutes in the bit bucket and you will end up with 4.5 minutes of informative video. This doesn't take into account the many comments questioning the accuracy of the information presented…

  8. akio2589 says:

    My ass, too. The primary cause of problems with the VCHT system was stuff getting flushed down the toilets that shouldn't be. Wipes, feminine hygiene products, etc., stopping up the pumps. I served on CVN 77, the Bush. It was the first carrier to have the vacuum CHT system. And it sucked, and not in the way it should've. Used to be the ship was split into two zones, fore and aft. And if one zone had an issue, every head in that zone was down. This, naturally, led to… Unpleasant things. Either you had a line to get into a working head (which would soon not work because of the extra traffic), or you contributed to the aptly-named shit lasagna in the non-functional heads. Also, the urinals were a primary source of vacuum leaks for the system, and were secured more or less the entire time I was on board.

    Eventually, they split the ship into different zones which helped, but did not get rid of the issue. Embarking on a shit quest was a regular occurrence. Also, there's no such thing as "cold" water for a shower when you're in the Persian Gulf….

    For the record, DC's head was the best head. Good size, and the AC worked good in there.


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