この記事の内容は、static intに関する議論情報を提供します。 static intに興味がある場合は、このWhat is a static variable?の記事でstatic intについてComputerScienceMetricsを探りましょう。

What is a static variable?のstatic intに関連するコンテンツの概要


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トピックに関連するいくつかのコンテンツstatic int

プログラミングの世界では、「静的」変数は多くのことを意味します。このビデオでは、C での実際の意味について説明します。

画像はstatic intの内容に関連しています

What is a static variable?
What is a static variable?

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一部のキーワードはstatic intに関連しています

#static #variable。

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What is a static variable?。

static int。

static intの知識により、Computer Science Metricsがあなたのために更新されることが、あなたがより多くの新しい情報と知識を持っているのを助けることを願っています。。 Computer Science Metricsのstatic intに関する情報を見てくれたことに心から感謝します。

44 thoughts on “What is a static variable? | static intに関する知識を最も詳細にカバーしてください

  1. Fadi EID says:

    Thank you, clear and concise as always.
    Just a question, is it possible to use "sum" as the name of an identifier elsewhere in the program? In that sense does it behave like a normal global variable and what's the scope of sum?

  2. Audio DiWHY says:

    Thanks for the clear explanation. Interesting. I had a program w global arrays defined in a .h file that compiled fine w older version of Cmake. There was no “static” keywords used. After updating Cmake the global variables I used in .h files threw multiple definition errors. Confusing! To fix I added static before the array declarations. Fixed. I think maybe Cmake was correctly inferring static vs extern in older versions but stopped doing that?

  3. goedeck1 says:

    Thanks, now I understand: it initializes only the first time. I think it is called an internal static variable because its inside a block.

    Also thanks for showing that sum is not accessible outside the block.

  4. cezzar says:

    when i write
    static int x=1;
    then print x value multiple times it gives me 2 everytime & x value doesn't increment, i dont know why?

  5. Casandra Cubreacov says:

    Big thanks for all of the tips and great explanations in all of the lessons!
    Regarding this one, I've been left with some unanswered questions.

    1. I wrote same program, but initialized sum to 0 after the declaration and the result was 5, 5, 5, so I suppose on the next calls it ignores just the declaration row, is that right?
    2. Then I thought making the function of static int type and got the same result. How does that work?
    3. I then tried declaring and initializing sum in the main function and pass it to add() (static and just int) and still got 5, 5, 5.(?)

    In conclusion, it's still not clear to me how do static variables work. I would really appreciate if you can explain some more characteristics and behaviors of this type. Thank you! Take care! 🖖

  6. Lucas Ferrini says:

    Can a static variable be used to store a memory adress? Let's say i have an array of ints and a function that receives a memory adress and set the static variable to store the memory adress (only the first time it is called). And it returns said memory adress


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