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25 thoughts on “【英検準1級】2次試験のよく出るトピック&模範解答! | 英 検 準 一級 面接 使える 表現に関連するコンテンツをカバーします

  1. 英語ファイル / eigophile says:

    動画内の回答をテキスト化しましたので以下を参考にして下さい。実際は回答の長さは30-40 wordsで十分です。


    Do companies today make their employees work too hard?

    No, I don’t think so because especially in Japan, many people are aware that if workers work too hard, it can sometimes cause death from overwork–this is called karoshi in Japanese. And because companies don’t want to be criticized for overworking their employees, I think they’re very careful not to make them work too hard.

    Do you think that young people today do enough to contribute to society?

    Yes, I do think so because I think that there are many young people around the world who are trying to make a difference. I heard somewhere that the number of young people who are interested in volunteer activities and also donating to charities has been increasing in the last ten years and in fact I know that many of my friends also do volunteer activities so I think young people are doing quite a lot to contribute to society.

    Do parents today expect too much of their children?

    No, I don’t think parents expect too much of their children these days, and I think it’s a global trend. It seems like parents are aware that if they expect too much of their children, it can cause a lot of stress and that will have a negative effect, so I think they’re more relaxed compared to parents of 30 years ago.

    Should the government take action to reduce the number of cars on the roads?

    No, I don’t think so because the cars that are causing problems are the traditional gasoline-powered cars because they produce carbon dioxide. But recently, many automobile companies have been developing electric cars, which are more environmentally friendly, so I don’t think there’s any need for the government to try and reduce the number of such cars.

    Do you think that companies spend too much money on advertising?

    Yes, I do think that some companies spend too much money on advertising because they sometimes spend the money on traditional forms of advertisements such as TV and newspapers, but these are quite inefficient compared to something like YouTube these days because if a company has their own YouTube channel, then they can run advertisements basically for free.

    Why do you think that many young people leave the countryside to work in the city?

    Well, it’s obvious because most of the high-paying jobs are in the cities. Even in a country like Japan, if you compare the average salary of people who live in the countryside and those who live in the city, there is a big difference, so I think most of these young people leave the countryside in order to find a better paying job.

    Should more be done to promote Japan to foreign tourists?

    Well, I do think so, but maybe not now because we’re in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, but maybe in one or two years’ time when everything is back to normal, I think the Japanese economy needs to be revitalized, and I think having lots of foreign tourists come and spend lots of money is going to be key, so in that sense, yes, I do think we should encourage more foreigners to come to Japan.

    Do you think that computers should be used more in children’s education?

    I do think so because many children are used to using computers, and if they can use computers at school, then they’ll be able to check anything that they want to know more about, they can watch videos, they can listen to things in order to deepen their understanding, so I think because there are lots of advantages, children should be encouraged to use computers more.

  2. Misty says:

    ナレーションの時、例えば、She said 〜のところを、She was like というようにwas like を使っても大丈夫ですか?

  3. oi em says:


  4. Sato4 says:


  5. Caramel Macaron says:


  6. 白狐 says:

    前回はgender diversityが出たので、色々な出題を想定して対策するのをオススメです!

  7. 藤井音テストチャンネル says:



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