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英語はどうすれば良くなりますか? How I learned English 1のホワイトデー メッセージ 英語に関連する一般情報


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SEE ALSO  使役動詞make, have, let【基礎英文法講座第39講】 | get 受動態に関するすべての文書は最も完全です

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★ねこグッズ! 私は帰国子女でも英語の権威でもありませんが、あなたの質問に私なりにお答えしますので、ぜひご覧ください。 独り言ですので、英語関係なくても気軽に質問してください。 来週の終わりまでに次の記事を投稿します。 ★パトロン! 【その他のチャンネル:】 ×ジュンズキッチン: ×ゲームチャンネル: ×おまけ動画: 【こちらもご覧いただけます:】 ×Twitter: ×Instagram: ×Facebook: ×Twitch: 曲は「砂に埋もれたラジオ」です。ここにあります:無料BGM・音楽素材 MusMus

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英語はどうすれば良くなりますか? How I learned English 1
英語はどうすれば良くなりますか? How I learned English 1

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SEE ALSO  【聞き流し】 英検1級頻出 単語 2307 Japanese Words [Pre-advanced] (日本語音声付:日本語→アメリカ英語→日本語→イギリス英語) | 英 検 一級 単語 一覧に関連する一般的な知識が更新されました


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#英語はどうすれば良くなりますか #learned #English。


英語はどうすれば良くなりますか? How I learned English 1。

ホワイトデー メッセージ 英語。

ホワイトデー メッセージ 英語の内容により、Computer Science Metricsが提供することを願っています。。 ComputerScienceMetricsのホワイトデー メッセージ 英語についての知識を見てくれて心から感謝します。

37 thoughts on “英語はどうすれば良くなりますか? How I learned English 1 | すべての知識はホワイトデー メッセージ 英語に関する最も正確です

  1. Insta Fruit says:

    I totally agree that youneed a purpose when you study a foreign language. I came from Europe to America with virtually 0 English skills, but I had to go to school and needed the language to understand the people around me. About 3 years later I was re-classified as a native speaker. However, when I had to learn Spanish in High School, I didn't really need it (Its a beautiful language though) and didn't make a lot of progress over the 2 years (Today I can only say a few basic phrases).

  2. Martuccia says:

    I want to learn Japanese because I want to listen to anime in its original form, understand all AKG lyrics and I would like to go see the cherry blossoms with my mother in law. Her parents were stationed over there and it’s a place I’d like to go with her. I would just like to know enough so that I’m not being a burden to someone. If that makes sense.

  3. 1Thunderfire says:

    I think one of the easy things about English is that you don't have to worry about gender rules involving masculine, feminine and neuter rules because with the exception of a few specific job titles, there aren't any (no worries about le sofa or la sofa or anything like that). There are a lot of weird rules though.

  4. Nana says:



  5. Pearl Vongpusanachai says:

    I’m not a native speaker but my English is considered ‘very good’ for local standards too, perhaps even for international standard when it comes to non-native speakers. But I have the same problem with you….present perfect, past perfect tenses….the older I get, the more I forget what was taught in school haha…

  6. Kari Mari says:

    English just sucks overall. And it keeps evolving every generation with new words, but mainly an increasing use of slang words and mispronunciations. As a native English speaker, there are many times I have to think about how to say or spell something, as well as teaching others how to use there/their/they’re, your/you’re, and to/too/two.

  7. Carnerian Simon says:


  8. suzukiミサ says:


  9. Life is good says:

    Hello Jun, I find your video about learning english very helpful. Just one thing that was not so clear to me is how you found your american friend to practice the language with? Like the name of the website that you used?

  10. Nita Nallabeli says:

    English is a very complicated language! I’m a native born speaker for English, and even now I’m having trouble talking. I give so much respect for people who learned it!

  11. Yram Ecarg says:

    I kinda glad that english is like our second language in my country, because after hearing this i realized that english is a complicated language to learn for non english speaking countries ….. and also its nice to see jun expressive when speaking Japanese he looked more handsome hahahhaha

  12. Lea Linerová says:

    it is funny, really, because I was terrible in English and now I study it as a translator. I´ve started to improve when I see how many good books and videos are there for me to watch and all I´ve needed to do was reaching for it in foreign language for me – so in fact I was not trying to improve my language purposefully at all… and now I am trying to do the same thing with my Spanish and Japanese (I have just started but it is so much fun and challenge for me so I hope I will grasp it soon….. keep your fingers for me. I keep mine for any learners of English watching this.) Thank you for great video! 🙂


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