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almost of allに関連するいくつかの情報

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almost of allの内容に関連する写真

Almost All Multiples || Codeforces Round 836 Div2 Problem C
Almost All Multiples || Codeforces Round 836 Div2 Problem C

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almost of allに関連する提案

#Multiples #Codeforces #Div2 #Problem。

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Almost All Multiples || Codeforces Round 836 Div2 Problem C。

almost of all。

almost of allについての情報を使用して、csmetrics.orgが提供することで、より多くの情報と新しい知識が得られることを願っています。。 ComputerScienceMetricsのalmost of allについての知識をご覧いただきありがとうございます。

16 thoughts on “Almost All Multiples || Codeforces Round 836 Div2 Problem C | almost of allの最高の知識の要約

  1. Gaurav Gautam says:

    Hey CM , Can you please tell me why I am getting WA
    My approach –
    I thought the same thing like you explained but like instead of finding the smallest multiple of k What I am doing is traversing from n-1 till k. Now I check if n%current_index==0 && current_index%k==0 . NOw putting n in this index and just taking this_index as n and now checking if this_index has multiple with the same condition checked with the n above and at last whatever we have as the this_index just put it at the kth index . I think of this because we want lexographical smaller so the highest value i.e n will be at the farthest index .


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