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英語 c1に関連する情報

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C1 English Level 1
C1 English Level 1

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#English #Level。

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SEE ALSO  【韓国語/한국어】帰国後半年経った大学生が韓国留学についての質問に答えていっきまーーーす | ソウル 女子 大学 語学 堂に関連するコンテンツを最も詳細に要約する

C1 English Level 1。

英語 c1。

英語 c1の内容により、Computer Science Metricsが提供することを願っています。それがあなたにとって有用であることを期待して、より多くの情報と新しい知識を持っていることを願っています。。 csmetrics.orgの英語 c1についての記事を読んでくれて心から感謝します。

30 thoughts on “C1 English Level 1 | 英語 c1に関連する知識をカバーします新しい更新

  1. Motawea alerian says:

    very nice
    I need to download your book for this course and business english as well
    I tried in your site but I cannot
    could you help me please

    appreciated your kind support

  2. Kevin Stiven Moreno says:

    It's a good podcast, however I can't even understand why in my English lessons, when I had to test my listening skills, I had to hear a UK podcast instead of US one, that's been so difficult due to I was used to hear US accent. Now, I understand the whole differences, however, when I was child, I failed lotta tests. lol

  3. Gabrielle says:

    Thank you very much. Just one question, in the second story the guy says "about 30 seconds [blank] open blabla" I don't understand the word I "blank", anyone ?

  4. Ace says:

    I’m still watching just in case😄, I’m fluent I guess, although I lack of vocabulary, maybe just being not literate is the problem, but anyways thank you very much for such a video, it is actually very funny, I laughed quite a lot😂 and I still do 😂 Peace❤️

  5. Trần Không says:

    Native speakers just have a small percentage number of people who use the English language for routines life, so why we must do the same as native speakers. To effectively conversation, it really needs more exactly pronounce than accents or voices. Nowadays, with many different English language styles such as India English, Vietnamese English, Korea English… and in the UK also has its own touch accents, can you absolutely understand what Scotland or Irland says, although, you are easy to understand the English language of England area.

  6. Dontbestupid says:

    I understand 90% of it.But if I want to speak on my own I am not confident comfortable ,because I am not sure that my sentences is correct.. And English language have words which having many meanings, and when we can use them correctly for expression your ideas. This is freak out for me. I have been learning English for 3 years ..and I am not able to initiate sentence . I still discover new simpl words .. for using……


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