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#Motivation #Workout #Quotes ジョナサン・フラワーズ監督の最高のモチベーションビデオ。 全力で戦うとき、何かを成し遂げたいときなどにぜひ聴いてみてください。 モチベーションを保つことをお約束します。 この演説の後、ジョナサン・フラワーズ監督の『LELAND CHARGERS』が見事優勝。 … 問題、質問、懸念がある場合は、info.spector.fitness(at)gmail.com までご連絡ください。

SEE ALSO  【古典】もしもしかめよ♪の歌で古文助動詞を覚えよう!【暗記】 | 最も関連性の高い情報の概要助動詞 古文 覚え 方

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I am a Champion 伝説の試合前モチベーションビデオ
I am a Champion 伝説の試合前モチベーションビデオ

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#Champion #伝説の試合前モチベーションビデオ。

SEE ALSO  【ひろゆき】国民性・体格・文化から発展した海外で食いっぱぐれない職業3選!! | 関連するコンテンツ海外 で 使える 資格を最も正確にカバーする

モチベーション,やる気,motivational video,成功,マインドセット,スピーチ,ポジティブ,自己啓発,人生,トレーニング,I am a Champion,アメフト,フットボール,成功の法則,モチベーションアップ,やる気を上げる,モチベーショナルスピーチ,感動,元気を出す,アメリカンフットボール,試合前,ハーフタイム。

I am a Champion 伝説の試合前モチベーションビデオ。

陸上 名言 英語。

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27 thoughts on “I am a Champion 伝説の試合前モチベーションビデオ | 最も関連性の高いドキュメントの概要陸上 名言 英語

  1. んなす says:

    冒頭カンペみたいなの見て話し出したから何だカンペあるんか…と思ったけど後半感情爆発してカンペ握り潰す勢いでI am a champion連呼するのマジ胸熱

  2. わたなべ. says:

    today gentelmans I am honored to coach you
    more honored to take you onto the field of battle
    There is another honor to be bestowed upon you
    that is the answer that comes with that question
    Who am I? I am a champion!
    Thats right and I need you to remember that all throughout this game
    I wil conquer what has not been conquered
    Defeat will not be in my creed
    I will believe what others have doubted
    I will always endeavor the prestige, honor, and respect of my team
    I have trained my mind and my body will follow
    Who am I? I am a champion!
    I will acknowledge the fact that my opponents do not expect me to win
    But i will never surrender
    Weakness will not be in my heat
    I will look to my comrades, to those who have brought me into this world and those who have trained me and I will draw strength from them
    Who am I? I am a champion!
    I will gladly go out into the field of battle and I will move, groove, and do everything that I can do and I will reach my field of battle by any means at my disposal
    And when I get there I will arrive violently
    I will rip the heart from my enemy and leave it bleeding on the ground, because he cannot stop me
    Who am I? I am a champions!
    To my side I have comrades
    Comrades that have been with me through thick and thin
    Through sacrifice, through blood, through sweat,throush tears
    Never will I let them fall, never will I let them down and I will never leave an enemy behind becauese our opponent does not know my heat
    Who am I? I am champion!
    No one will deny me. no one will defy me and no one will tell me who and what I am and can be
    Belief will change my world
    It has moved continents and countries and put man on the moon and it will carry me through this battel
    Who am I? I am champions!
    Defeat, retreat those are not in my words.
    I do not understand whose definitions
    I do not understand when things go wrong
    I do not understand mistakes
    but I do understand this
    I understand victory and I understand never surrendering
    No matter how bad things
    go my heat and my mind will carry my body when my limbs are too weak
    Who am I? I am champions!
    Today will be that day
    not tomorrow, not next week, but right now, right here, in your house nd in your home
    Who am I? I am a champions!
    History remember me
    and I will not have to worry about him being kind
    I will define myself
    I will write my own praises
    And no one will tell me what I can and cannot be
    I will never go home, not without giving everything I have got
    Coz who am I? I am a champion!

  3. 山田あほ says:





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