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I Got the "Perfect" Haircut for My Face Shape
I Got the "Perfect" Haircut for My Face Shape

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#quotPerfectquot #Haircut #Face #Shape。

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I Got the "Perfect" Haircut for My Face Shape。

have my hair cut。

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31 thoughts on “I Got the "Perfect" Haircut for My Face Shape | have my hair cutに関連する内容の概要最も詳細な

  1. Justin says:

    Face shape science is legit. I've learned to accept it after wanting a certain pair of sunglasses because they looked great on someone else, but looked like garbage on me.

  2. Rrruby says:

    I found that with oblong faces, a full fringe only makes sense if your forehead is long too. If the lower part of your face is long but your forehead is short to normal, its not an improvement imho. the layers and shorter length makes totally sense tho

  3. Lizzie BENNET says:

    Oblong ???! Not at all ! You obviously have a rectangular face shape.
    So long flat hair without fringe is exactly what you must avoid.
    The haircut was nice … before you wash it.

  4. JJ says:

    The part in the fringe looks playful and fun – the problem with most fringe is it looks like it is pasted on – in this case the movement and slight imperfection your natural part causes really looks modern and even though I know a lot of women hate this word – cute

  5. Tracey Wheeler says:

    AHh… your mum did a great job… 12 yrs ago my daughter came home from school wanting a 'Scene' haircut NEVER HEARD OF IT. We proceeded she wasn't that happy and sorted it herself. Since I haven't worked in a salon for 30yrs and only do two 90 yr old ladies which I haven't got the heart to tell them that I no longer wish to do their hair as I work full time doing something else..

  6. Denise T. says:

    I've been looking for a video addressing appropriate style for my oblong face shape! Obviously, I LOVED this video! So freaking happy I found it!!! You look adorable! And more importantly, you helped ME make the crucial decision for my haircut/style tomorrow. JUST in time! I can't say thanks enough!

  7. Miaik - says:

    Points for being brave enough to get the fringe. I would not have the patience to style it will the hair growth pattern you told you have

  8. Thaissa says:

    You look great with this haircut!!! I'd recommend blow drying it without straightening it for an extra puffiness on the roots but that's a matter of personal preference 😊 the layers do bring out your face!!

  9. Irene Max says:

    Aww, Elena's new hairstyle is lovely! But oh, cowlicks in the wrong places, no fair! Is there such a thing as a false fringe, blend it in with the existing one, like putting on false eyelashes?

  10. CrimsonVipera says:

    I liked all 3 looks. If you prefer the way your hair looks when it dries naturally, go for it. But, as a person with the exact same issue who had a full front fringe for 3 years, blow dry your fringe. Just your fringe, on whatever comb your mum used. It will help with the tendency to split. It will not stop it entirely (unless your hair is easier to beat into submission than mine) but it will help.
    Shout out to your mum who did a fantastic job, even if under duress.

  11. Lori Haskins says:

    I think your new hair style is beautiful on you you could train your bangs to stay together an hopefully not gap open by curling it under a bit, an spray it once you have it the way you want it. You look beautiful


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