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SEE ALSO  TOEIC前日・当日の過ごし方【勉強法・持ち物】 | toeic 前日 過ごし 方に関連する最も正確な知識の概要

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IELTS Writing Task 2: How to write an introduction

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ielts ライティング タスク 2に関連するいくつかの提案

#IELTS #Writing #Task #write #introduction。

SEE ALSO  【英検1級サラリーマンが語る】札幌の魅力5つと移住方法について紹介 | 札幌 英 検 対策に関するすべてのコンテンツが最も正確です

IELTS Writing Task 2,IELTS essay introduction,Opinion Essay Introduction。

IELTS Writing Task 2: How to write an introduction。

ielts ライティング タスク 2。

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31 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Task 2: How to write an introduction | ielts ライティング タスク 2に関連する情報の概要最も正確

  1. Ashan Wickramasinghe says:

    Thank you very much. I have been spent more time for introduction. Today I understood how easy it is to write effectively within a couple of minutes. Even my class teacher didn't taught me about the introduction. Thanks again

  2. hammad baig says:

    Liz ur teaching method is great I wish that u continue teaching IELTS regularly these videos are v old I wish u make new videos like these
    I wish to appear in IELTS general but still not considered my self prepared for IELTS exam can u give me some tips plz

  3. Ritu Bhatia says:

    Hi Liz. Thank you for your amazing videos. They are really helpful.
    I have attempted IELTS 2 times and my score for writing both times was 6.5. I need atleast 7 in writing. Do you provide personalised feedback on writing?


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