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Is Drake Lame?!


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SEE ALSO  #2/2 TIẾNG NHẬT TRONG CÔNG VIỆC || Cách trả lời điện thoại "cực chất" || しごとの日本語電話応対 | すべての知識は今 お 電話 よろしい でしょ うかに関する最も詳細なものです

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00:00 教会のアナウンス 27:00 ドレイクはラメ?! 54:20 卵対。 Bros Kevonstage Studios アプリを購読して、プレミアムの全エピソードをご覧ください。 www.kevonstagestudios.com www.kevonstage.comでkevの詳細をチェックしてください

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Is Drake Lame?! | #heresthething
Is Drake Lame?! | #heresthething



SEE ALSO  英語で「ひさしぶり」はどう言うの?現在完了形 How have you been?の発音ネイティブの発音聞き取れるかな?Chill Out でリスニングチャレンジ [#233] | 1 ヶ月 ぶり 英語に関連するコンテンツをカバーします

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#Drake #Lame #heresthething。


Is Drake Lame?! | #heresthething。

here is the thing。

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43 thoughts on “Is Drake Lame?! | #heresthething | すべてのコンテンツはhere is the thingに関する最も完全なものです

  1. N.A. Jean says:

    I swear I can't take this man seriously, I cannot under his clown ass in Degrassi, he spent all his time in the show just being weak and so Drake!

  2. B L says:

    This was the greatest thing I've seen in a while I shared the YouTube snippets with everyone I know and they were cracking up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep shooting!!!!

  3. Tigerlilly says:

    Regarding Vogue, Corny Drake…Anna Wintour said "Keep my (and Megan's) name out your mouth, Run me my stacks". Drake and Kanye can hang out together and argue about who has been done wrong the most. Serena  and Meg are both living peaceful lives, drinking water and minding their business BUT HERE COME DRAKE. Go Home Roger!!!

  4. Red Renny says:

    How can you have such stern opinions on something you aren’t and will not be willing to be education on?

    To say this and that but don’t even know the history behind the lyrics and how everything perfectly connects is like somebody who doesn’t really know you, only heard about you from somebody who isn’t fond of you, and then catching you on a bad day and going “yep see I knew you were like this” when THEY DONT EVEN KNOW YOU OR ARE TRYING TO KNOW YOU FR 💀

    What’s really “lame” is hopping on a wave.. if the consensus was “omg this is the greatest album ever, Drake you just made black history by breaking such and such’s record” the conversations would be “omg another win for the black community” and xyz.. but I get it, it’s the Internet.. and the Internet will Internet.. 😂

  5. Amber Jones says:

    This situation showed me that a lot of people don’t understand what a double entendre is. Our school systems are failing our society in life if not in GPA.

  6. Fancy Fanny says:

    Yep. Fibroid sufferer here. I could easily use a whole 36ct box of tampons in one cycle. And that’s not including pads as well. Men really have no clue what we have to go through.


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