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Các bồ nhớ thử nghe nhaaa :3 Sản phẩm các bạn yêu cầu, team mình đang sub nên mọi người cố gắng chờ nha ^^ Cảm ơluôn mọi người rấ ^^

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[ Lyrics + Vietsub ] It’s OK If You Forget Me - Astrid S
[ Lyrics + Vietsub ] It’s OK If You Forget Me – Astrid S

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SEE ALSO  社会人から看護師になった私が解説!社会人から看護師になる為の具体的行動!No74 | 英語 専門 学校 社会 人に関する一般的な知識が最も正確です


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#Lyrics #Vietsub #Forget #Astrid。


[ Lyrics + Vietsub ] It’s OK If You Forget Me – Astrid S。

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10 thoughts on “[ Lyrics + Vietsub ] It’s OK If You Forget Me – Astrid S | is it ok for youに関連する最も完全な知識の概要

  1. :vv Bui3VN says:


    Two weeks and I wait 'til the feeling hits

    Maybe I just haven't let it sink in

    For three years, we were living together

    Held me like you'd hold me forever

    Didn't think that heartbreak would feel like this

    From everything to nothing at all

    From every day to never at all

    And everyone says that I should be sad

    Is it normal that

    I don't feel sorry for myself

    Care if your hands touch somebody else

    Wouldn't get jealous if you're happy

    It's okay if you forget me

    I don't feel empty now that you're gone

    Does that mean it didn't mean nothing at all?

    But I'll tell you what the worst is

    It's the way it doesn't hurt

    When I wish it did

    Patience is the thing that I learned from you

    That some things can feel wrong even though they're true

    Went through all the hard times together

    Kept me calm when I'd lose my temper

    I'm just really grateful that I had you

    From everything to nothing at all

    Every day to never at all

    And everyone says that I should be sad

    Is it normal that

    I don't feel sorry for myself

    Care if your hands touch somebody else

    Wouldn't get jealous if you're happy

    It's okay if you forget me

    I don't feel empty now that you're gone

    Does that mean it didn't mean nothing at all?

    And I'll tell you what the worst is

    It's the way it doesn't hurt

    When I wish it did

    I wish it did


    When I wish it did

    From everything to nothing at all

    From every day to never at all

    And everyone says that I should be sad

    Is it normal that

    I don't feel sorry for myself

    Care if your hands touch somebody else

    Wouldn't get jealous if you're happy

    It's okay if you forget me

    I don't feel empty now that you're gone

    Does that mean it didn't mean nothing at all?

    And I'll tell you what the worst is

    It's the way it doesn't hurt

    When I wish it did

    I wish it did


  2. Pauline Ngo says:

    Vao mua ha nam do ,1 ngay TINH CO toi nhan duoc dong TIN NHAN va nhung loi YEU THUONG tu nguoi goi toi ……( RAT RAT NGAC NHIEN va NGAC NHIEN ) …..( vi ) …. trong trai tim toi ( CHUA BAO GIO ) co ( HINH BONG ) nguoi ( NGU TRI ) ….. ( tuy rang ) …da may muoi nam CHUA 1 LAN GAP LAI ……
    Dong thoi gian troi qua theo thang nam , toi da nhan thay rang …..RAT RAT MAY MAN … .cho doi toi da khong nam trong VONG TAY cua nguoi …..VI SAO ??? ….
    Toi da biet RAT RO , nguoi la hang dan ong khong DANG HOANG , DEU, TOI , va khong CHAN THAT , nay HET THOI tim lai toi noi nhung loi YEU THUONG ( duong mat ) , sao khong biet TU TRONG ban than minh ….
    Va toi cung khong NGU NGOC de trao tinh cam CHAN THAT cua toi cho1 nguoi khong XUNG DANG ….
    Neu la nguoi co HOC THUC , TU CACH , va biet TU TRONG ban than …. THI …..dung BAO GIO goi TIN NHAN cho toi nua nhe , dung de toi phai KHINH THUONG ( OK ) …..
    Nhung dau sao toi cung chuc nguoi nhieu MAY MAN de tim duoc 1 HANH PHUC cuoi doi cua nguoi nhe …
    Chao vinh biet ( BUONG TAY ) …..


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