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紅花 英語に関連する情報

Only 昨日 – 思い出ポロポロ – Recuerdos del ayer – エンディング – The Rose – 日本語 – 愛は花、君はその種 – 都はるみ

SEE ALSO  【化学基礎】 原子価の考え方 | すべての知識は原子 価 求め 方に関する最も正確です

紅花 英語の内容に関連する写真

Only Yesterday - Omoide Poro Poro - Ending - The Rose - Ai wa Hana, Kimi wa Sono Tane
Only Yesterday – Omoide Poro Poro – Ending – The Rose – Ai wa Hana, Kimi wa Sono Tane

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紅花 英語に関連する提案

#Yesterday #Omoide #Poro #Poro #Rose #Hana #Kimi #Sono #Tane。

SEE ALSO  【検証動画#03】石灰資材を水に溶かしてpH測ってみた!【住商アグリビジネス】 | 関連するすべての情報石灰 水 phが更新されました

Only Yesterday,Omoide Poro Poro,Recuerdos del ayer,The Rose,ending,japanese。

Only Yesterday – Omoide Poro Poro – Ending – The Rose – Ai wa Hana, Kimi wa Sono Tane。

紅花 英語。

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37 thoughts on “Only Yesterday – Omoide Poro Poro – Ending – The Rose – Ai wa Hana, Kimi wa Sono Tane | すべての知識は紅花 英語に関する最も詳細なものです

  1. Rodger Curtis says:

    Quite possibly the most thoughtful and moving piece of storytelling ever about the transitional journey made from youth and innocence to young adulthood and stepping out into the world we as kids all dreamed about. The magic of this film stems from its honesty, and embodied in beautiful artwork and music.
    Once in a lifetime picture gem.

  2. 蟷螂竜二 says:


  3. Mario Bowser494 says:

    This ending is absolutely incredible in every way and the perfect way to end this movie

    I hate it when movies have important scenes over the credits as some people may turn off or get distracted by the words on screen. If it was a fun and ultimately unimportant epilogue then I wouldn’t mind but this is the conclusion to the narrative

    Like I said though, the scene itself is perfect. I just wanted to rant about the placement of the credits 😂

  4. gesuto 1 says:


  5. wolf wing says:

    whats funny is that I almost missed this ending. I just assumed she left and had it on play while doing something else and listening to the music, I looked back as the kids started to pop up and was like, wait whats going on? REwound to see it hehe.

  6. Mauva Cottage says:

    Me being proud of myself for finally not crying at a ghibli movie while watching this movie…the outro starts…I cry more than I ever did while watching any of them….

  7. speedfische says:

    I absolutely love this movie! Have seen it many times and have never made it through the end without crying. I came to revisit this scene today because I needed it. I've been very nostalgic lately about my childhood and the friends I had 40 years ago. It seems that no matter how old I get, there is always a small part of me that cannot move on. (And, frankly, I don't want it to)

  8. moorcok says:

    L'adulta Taeko non riesce a prendere la decisione giusta. È assorta nei suoi dubbi da persona adulta, lo sguardo perso nel vuoto, quando arriva in suo "aiuto" la forza benevola che è in lei: la spensieratezza dell'infanzia, con la piccola Taeko e tutti i bambini che la sospingono a ritornare da Toshio e a quella vita semplice che in realtà ha sempre desiderato.

    È poesia, solo i grandi maestri giapponesi dell'animazione riescono a portare alla luce i sentimenti così puri.


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