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トピックに関連するいくつかの情報it works for me

パム・ルッソは「Show Me」の原曲デモの歌手であり、後にカバー・ガールズによって録音された. 彼女はまた、「Show Me」のバックグラウンド ボーカルとしてカバー ガールズ アルバムにもクレジットされています。

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Pam Russo – It Works For Me (Club Mix) (1988)

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#Pam #Russo #Works #Club #Mix。


Pam Russo – It Works For Me (Club Mix) (1988)。

it works for me。

it works for meの内容により、Computer Science Metricsがあなたにもっと多くの情報と新しい知識を持っていることを助け、それがあなたに価値をもたらすことを望んでいることを願っています。。 ComputerScienceMetricsのit works for meについての記事を読んでくれて心から感謝します。

43 thoughts on “Pam Russo – It Works For Me (Club Mix) (1988) | 最も関連性の高いコンテンツの概要it works for me

  1. Jimmy Reed says:

    This song is still a favorite of all times of any music. So many memories theu the years meaning ful song 🎵 ♥️ ❤️ 💕 if you give true love……. in every relationship theres always one that loves more than the other …

  2. Ken Chan says:

    Shit..lets go back to '80s…this is back in da days when I used to live the Bay Area CA. The best club to go to was City Night San Francisco. Music was good, girls are hot!!

  3. Miami 808 says:

    Close your eyes and listen to this song. It takes you back to a summer evening 1988, cruising around. For me it was Fairfield, Ca. 12 years old, driving around with my uncle.

  4. Cruz Cervantez says:

    Remember this track from mid 80s freestyle – Phoenix and later in 2000 in San Jose.. This song was stuck in my head and I couldnt find it in my old mixtapes so im happy to have found it!

  5. Miami 808 says:

    RIP Cameron Paul. The first time I heard this song was on one of his power mixes on KMEL 106.1. Cruising around Fairfield, Ca. with my uncle. Wish I could go back to 12 years old.

  6. paulllywogg says:

    Pam Russo, Denise Lopez, Arlene (Tender Heart), Cindy Valentine, Jade Starling (Pretty Poison), Pamela Stanley, Rene Diggs, the list goes on and on. Powerful vocals, they deserved better management/exposure. Back when dance music or ballads didn't need alien sound-effect crap halfway through the song to get on the radio. It's time for radio stations to diversify, or I'm just getting older…….Just Not Tonight!!!

  7. 1999azabache says:

    I was in elementary school when it came out and remember sitting in the front seat of my foster sister's car, it was a hot spring day driving down McKee and Capital in San Jo! Thanks for the upload!

  8. paulllywogg says:

    A hidden Gem!!!  This song brought out so many emotions, on the dance floor and off!!  SF DJ Cameron Paul got me on this one!!!  Great club play that could have had so much more exposure…

  9. Philip Jams says:

    Yo if this you're mother then you should be very proud! I was a DJ when this came out and its one of my top 5 Freestyle songs of all time and its because of the music but also because of your mother's voice. She has a very special unique voice. I'm very priviledged to be able to get in contact with her son. I have tremendous respect for your mother. From someone who threw parties back then. She is a legend


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