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"Why did you come to Japan?" / 「何で日本に来たの?」更新されたどうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語の関連ビデオの概要


このComputerScienceMetricsウェブサイトでは、どうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語以外の知識を更新できます。 ウェブサイトcsmetrics.orgで、私たちは常にあなたのために毎日毎日新しい情報を公開します、 あなたにとって最高の価値を提供したいと思っています。 ユーザーがインターネット上の知識をできるだけ早く更新できる。

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トピックに関連するいくつかの内容どうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語

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どうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語の内容に関連する写真

"Why did you come to Japan?" / 「何で日本に来たの?」
"Why did you come to Japan?" / 「何で日本に来たの?」

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どうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語に関連するキーワード

#quotWhy #Japanquot #何で日本に来たの。

SEE ALSO  英検準1級合格者インタビュー 高校3年生で英検準一級取得! [英語塾アカデミック・ロード] | 最も関連性の高いすべてのドキュメント英 検 準 一級 面接 甘い

Dogen,Japan,Japanese,America,American,Foreigner,外国人,外人,日本,好き,日本語,外国人が見たnippon,Why did you come to Japan?,何故日本に来たの?,日本に来た理由,The reason I came to Japan。

"Why did you come to Japan?" / 「何で日本に来たの?」。

どうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語。

どうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語についての情報を使用して、ComputerScienceMetricsが提供することで、より多くの情報と新しい知識があり、それがあなたに役立つことを期待していることを願っています。。 csmetrics.orgのどうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語に関する情報を見てくれたことに心から感謝します。

20 thoughts on “"Why did you come to Japan?" / 「何で日本に来たの?」 | 関連情報の概要どうして 日本 に 来 た の 英語最も詳細な

  1. HARU says:

    I’m an international student from Japan in WA, USA. I don’t know why I wanted to come to this country. But I’m glad I did.

  2. Frostyblade 88 says:

    'I think we come to Japan looking for manifestation of the joy we feel from these things'. This is the best explanation for Japanese wanderlust I've ever heard. The love we have for Japan is linked to the feelings we have for the media produced there, and it represents a chance for a new beginning, especially if you don't a close bond with your faith or family to keep you in your own country. This has been my favourite video of yours in 3 years Dogen, thank you for making it

  3. Joshua Krusiewicz says:

    As someone who has recently been parted from his mental precis of Japan by virtue of now having been in the country, I can say that Dogen is most certainly correct. I haven't had over a decade to unpack these feelings like Dogen has, but something is emerging in my thoughts, and it is this: The magic that I feel throughout the whole world is not local to any one country, place, people-group, or time. There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space which is impressing itself on the whole world, in every corner and crevice, filling it to the brim. Japan happens to channel this realization in an especially visceral way for me. I'm over-philosophizing, but maybe someone reading this can in the least bit relate?

  4. Decision Scientist says:

    I feel this short video probably condenses the essence of attribution in psychology more than any material I have encountered.

    I am pretty sure that you compose a huge factor that will have finally pushed the viewers to actually come to Japan. They will say (in their heart) "I do not know why I came to Japan, but if I were to give a single verbal reason, then it is Dogen's video."

    日本の宝としてご活動くださっていらっしゃいますこと、心より感謝申し上げます m(_ _)m

  5. suzuki chan says:

    I would love to go there, but i:
    1. Have autism
    2. Am a lesbian, which means i can't get married and settle down easily
    I still want to have a temporary visit though

  6. nasis18 says:

    This man just described my life story. I was stationed in Japan. I loved every minute of it. I was fortunate enough to meet my future wife there. I am no where near as fluent as Dogen-san, but thankfully my wife is fluent in English. I have not been back in a few years, but I am lucky to have a small piece of Japan in my home.

  7. karinakari says:

    I’ve yet ever been in Japan but next time my gf/or someone else asks me why are so obsessed with Japan Im gonna just quote you, I dont know. ありがとうどげんさま

  8. Gillmsn Fillman says:

    This is a great question that all the weebs need to ask themselves. Most people like Japanese media and believe that the countries are representative of what they see when it’s the complete opposite. It’s the same thing happening to Korea at the moment where foreigners are going to the country and being burned when they realise how terrible it actually is.

  9. postblitz says:

    Because Japan actually has a culture and a people, unlike most parts of the western world infested with "multiculturalism" aka "no own culture, just stealing from others and feeling like nothing".

  10. Fujidk says:

    FLCL… I was in middle school when that was airing late night. Just like how you say you don't know why you ended up in Japan, I don't know what it was about that show that made me felt, the way it did. I guess it was the fact that the main characters were around my age, yet they had such different lives (taking all the sci-fi stuff aside). What stood out so much was the scenery as he was chilling under the bridge, and hanging out with an older girl that smokes. It was both the beauty and the mystery of the show that captured me so much.

    FLCL, of course, is just one example. But the feeling of beauty and mystery from many of Japanese media I consumed when young, I guess, is what gave interest to Japan. The media and art from the country gave me a feeling that I can't get with western media. And I don't think I'm the only one on that boat.


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