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How do cigarettes affect the body? - Krishna Sudhir
How do cigarettes affect the body? – Krishna Sudhir

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SEE ALSO  【ビジネス日本語】もう電話の会話は怖くない!電話の受け方の基本 | 今 お 電話 よろしい でしょ うかに関連する情報の概要最も正確

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#cigarettes #affect #body #Krishna #Sudhir。

TED,TED-Ed,TED Ed,Teded,Ted Education,Krishna Sudhir,Health,Smoking,Cigarettes。

How do cigarettes affect the body? – Krishna Sudhir。

language exchange 危険 性。

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49 thoughts on “How do cigarettes affect the body? – Krishna Sudhir | language exchange 危険 性に関する最も完全な知識の概要

  1. Pedro Campolina says:

    I've smoked for 10 years, 2 packs a day. It has been 5 years since I last smoked. Here is how I managed to stop.

    1 – Understood that I was a sick person. I was addicted and I needed to have this in my mind. It is a disease. Some people can go on a weekend and smoke with their friends and on the next day, don't even think about it. I'm different. If I smoke, I need to smoke everyday, all the time. I'm sick.
    2 – decided a date of when was going to my last cigarette. Mine was Feb/27
    3 – Began to take Bupropion daily. Started on January 1st and stopped in the end of March. It REALLY helped.
    4 – Told all my friends and relatives that I was going to stop, and this decision was final. Said this so many times to everyone, that if I failed, everyone would look and know how weak I was.
    5 – Started reducing the number of cigarettes on the last week. From 2 packs to 1, to 10, to 5, 4 ,3 , 2 ,1 and finally 0. This was done in a decisive fashion. No seconds thoughts. Just do it. It is harsh but necessary.

    I craved for it on the first day, and again 1 week after. After that I never thought about smoking again, to the point that the smell would make me feel really bad. At some points I would still remember the good sensation of the cigarettes, but the idea of returning was unthinkable. If you are reading this and you smoke, I hope this can help you stop. Believe me when I say: THERE IS LIFE AFTER THE CIGARETTES. I know it is hard, and sometimes we think that we will never be able to live without it. Remeber that you are a sick person. You can't smoke.

  2. Chris Adams says:

    Why are they even legal!!! Jesus man had no clue they are that bad to the body. Government is ok with cigs but weed oh no that is way too dangerous! Make it illegal.

  3. Akuma says:

    I went from 20 cigrettes to 0 in 1 day. each time I had an urge to smoke, I drank a glass of water. Don't know if it has any medical medical explanation, but it really helped me. It's been 5 years since.

  4. chris Mi.333 says:

    I had stage 2 lung cancer from 15 years of smoking. But thankfully I started water fasting 3x a week for 2 months & I was healed!

    I pray that everyone who smokes can give up this horrible habit! Consider fasting. A good book that can help is called “Toxic Relief” by Don Colbert

  5. LiamC22 says:

    I’ve found quitting hard. Went onto vapes and got addicted badly to that, they were too easy to use. Went back to cigarettes and now 4 days no smoking. Forced due to being locked down but I’d already planned to quit and have patches which help, hopefully take advantage of it. I just have a bad habit of using them to relieve severe stress and my current situation with lockdowns, living in a foreign country and a job I hate is stressful so hoping I don’t give in when it’s tempting. I’ve quit maybe 5 times, longest for over a year 😭

  6. mga litrato na feeling film says:

    Growing up, I haven't thought of trying smoking. 11 months ago, my mom passed away and few months after that, I tried smoking as a form of coping mechanism because I can't deal with the heartbreak. I don't smoke every day. I only smoke sometimes but still, it's not good even if how I rarely smoke, it's not good. Now, I wanted to stop myself from smoking and do my best to improve my life as my new coping mechanism. Seeing this video gave me hope that I can still reverse the effects of smoking to my body. Wish me luck, internet friends. I'll be back here after a year. To everyone who wanted to stop their smoking habits, we can do this although it's hard, we'll manage.


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